Friday, February 5, 2010

The NGO and my residence

My time so far in Africa has been in transit from one place to another and getting settled into the engineering task. As mundane as this may sound, doing so is a challenge in a country with little modern infrastructure to which we are accostumed.

I have written previously regarding travel challenges. I am working foran NGO (nongovernment organization) that is building basic clean water infrastructure in western Kenya. This area of Kenya is dry but not arid. Water is limited in availability but not scarce. The problem is that the limited water becomes fouled as a result of animal interaction, soil issues, intensive use by people and usage of dirty "jerry" cans used to transport water. I am not concentratin on cleaning the water but on sterilizing it. Filtration necessary to remove naturally occuring minerals, particulates and microbe byproducts is very expensive. Our focus is the prevention of disease due to bacteria by using a standardize, premeasure chlorine solution dispenser. I have posted photos of some of the staff on my FB page.

As part of my negotiated contract, I will work 2 weeks and take 2 weeks off each month to safari. Future post will be more rich with photos of Kenyas abundant and varied climates and wildlife.

The NGO staff are a group of wonderful caring people. My purpose is to bring to life the objectives of purer souls than myself.

My hotel which I will use only for my 1 week per month stays in Busia is considered the best in Busia. The exterior is a walled, compound with interior building. It is open air, shady, cool and very pleasant. The rooms themselves are very basic and honesty not worht photographing. Since I am a person of more rugged needs, this bothers me very little. I find my joy in challenging myself more than comfort.

Stay tuned for what promises to be abundant adventure!

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