Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finally a Brew Pub Review!!

Beer Reviewers

Richard aka “Satan Spawn” Cassada

Jon ““Matatu Man” Bernt

Helen aka “must have a beer review” Shipman

Micah “I’m a one woman wolfpack” Branaman

Beer Review Method

Thumbs up = 1 point

Thumbs sideways = ½ point

Thumb down = 0 points

Brewery location

Brew Bistro and Lounge

Nairobi Kenya


Chuikolsch – 3.5 Thumbs

100% malt, German style pale blonde ale, crystal clear with a light body, medium bitterness clean taste.

Our opinion – We gave this a solid thumbs up but realized in retrospect that we would downgrade this beer to a 3 Thumbs. Although it was a solid beer, it lacked the delightful sharpness that comes from more hoppy beers. Still a great well balanced, late afternoon beer that whets the appetite for more.

Simpilis – 1.5 Thumbs

This is a classic medium bodied 100% malt pilsner brewed according to the German Purity Law. It has a complex but well balanced malty character, a flowery hop aroma, a dry finish, and a golden blonde with excellent clarity.

Our opinion – This beer rated low on our list. It was described as “like Blue Moon”. It was a bit skunky with a sharp aftertaste and very watery. We gladly passed on to our next beer.

Temstout – 2.5 Thumbs

A classic full bodied beer with a lovely creamy head distinguished by the aromas of coffee roasted malt and dark chocolate.

Our opinion – Although this beer did have a nice balance between smokiness and oak aromas, it simply did not have the full rich body we were seeking. The head was indeed creamy and rich and was a pleasant introduction to the beer itself.

Octoberfest – 4 Thumbs

100% malt, deep amber colored ale, full bodied, complex with distinct caramel and coffee taste.

Our opinion - We were unanimous in our liking of this beer. Its rich amber color hinted at the delight to come. It was full bodied, tingly and had no scent or aftertaste. Its complex and rich taste endure from first sip to finish. It was my beer of choice after the tasting.

Nyatipa – 2.5 Thumbs

100% malt, deep copper, pale ale, well rounded, bitter, medium bodies and has a great head. Hoppy but malty too.

Our Opinion – This was a heavy beer. Hearty and bitter. Low on our list but great for the beer drinker who appreciate a true deep hops taste.

Kifabock – 3.5 Thumbs

Full bodied 100% malt Belgian style Dobbel Boch with lots of malt flavor. Golden brown color.

Our opinion – We finish our tasting with this delightful beer. It has a definite fruity aroma but a bitter finish. The heavy malt and golden brown color made this my next beer after tasting. It was hearty, heavy and we give it almost full marks!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I miss good beer!

Sampling the "Red" bananas used for beer in Mto Wa Mbo, Tanzania

Local beers reviews for Kenya and Tanzania
March 27, 2010
Richard Cassada

Let’s face it. Kenyan and Tanzanian beers suck. Beer is not commonplace or frequently consumed in these two countries. Tuskers has a virtual monopoly on the market in Kenya and is very aggressive about protecting their territory. I have been told that they go so far as to buy competitors beers, leave them in the sun for a while and then put them on the market. Tuskers responded to the demand from its consumers for another beer by simply putting the beer in different colored bottles. From what I know about Kenya so far, this is business as usual. Guinness also has a presence here and you can find Heineken with some effort. Guinness also sells a nonalcoholic malt beverage called Malta. With this said, I will attempt a review of the few local beers and one very local Tanzanian banana beer. That’s right, you heard it correctly. Banana beer.

Tuskers Premium Lager – Kenya
This beer has the characteristic off odor of many African beers. It comes in a large, heavy bottle and is the monopoly beer of Kenya. It is very pale yellow and has a light, mildly hoppy flavor. There is also a metallic taste that seems to permeate all African beers. It is clean and crisp and great for sitting on the veranda in Nairobi while breathing in the noxious fumes from the unmaintained vehicles. It is a standard, uninteresting beer.

Kilimanjaro Premium Lager – Tanzania
This lager is light and clean but before you reach the point of tasting, you have to get past the slightly rancid odor and mild bitterness. It has a pale gold color and has a sweet finish and a hint of hops. After a long hot safari, it is preferable to dehydration.

Serengeti Premium Lager – Tanzania
This beer is an improvement from Kilimanjaro but only in removing its negative aspects and not adding positive aspects. It has a light, malty, slightly fruity flavor. It has a light golden color but unfortunately has a slight chemical taste. The taste is slightly sweet. It does not have the disagreeable odor of Kilimanjaro and is the one beer that I look forward to after a day of backpacking.

Homemade Banana Beer – Tanzania
While in the market in Mto Wa Mbo - A small town adjacent to Lake Manyara in the Great Rift Valley in Tanzania, I asked my safari guide if there were any local microbreweries in the area. After explaining to him what a microbrew was, he called our camp cook to buy some local banana beer. At that point, he took me to the local market to let me sample some of the local bananas. Banana beer is made from red bananas so named because of their red peels. The banana is much larger and sweeter than the bananas to which we are accustomed in the states. This high sugar content has the predictable effect on the fermentation of the beer. The brewing of banana beer is a relatively simple and straight forward process that would probably turn the nose of most beer enthusiasts. The bananas are mashed to a pulp, boiled and left to ferment for a week. Millet is then boiled and added to the mix after the week of fermentation. The resulting product is understandably coarse and a bit rancid although it does have a pleasantly smoky taste. This taste is from an unidentifiable source as I could not determine its origin. It tastes nothing like beer or bananas and comes much closer to rancid cider. The alcohol content is through the roof and the carbonation from the high sugar content is substantial. Half a glass each had our group on the happy side of our safari tents. When I first opened the bottle, I noted that it was entirely unfiltered. The millet (and whatever else) was still in situ. I attempted to decant the beer. The guide and the cook were aghast that I would not want to chew on the chunks of millet. They grabbed the bottle, swirled it and each poured a glass. Although not recommended for its culinary qualities, it is definitely local fare to be sampled.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Into the Great Rift

It was totally unexpected. I hadn’t planned for it, I hadn’t anticipated it and this in itself is the perfect formula for a good travel experience.
In 1998, I threw myself into the hands of fate. Three weeks later, I was working in a travelling circus in the Middle East. These experiences teach one that self determination is an excellent way to manage life but should not prevent the extemporaneous experiences that can also enrich the soul.

The plan was to spend a leisurely weekend on the shores of Lake Victoria, taking in the acclaimed sunsets and shopping the soapstone markets that seem to be Kenya’s only remaining indigenous art not corrupted by cheap Chinese imports. Instead I met these two new friends who talked me into a weekend at Masai Mara. Up to that point I was doubtful about making this trip. The safaris at Masai Mara are expensive and require significant travel time. Sharing the expense and experience with other people made the safari a manageable experience.

Kenya changes elevation and climates quickly and frequently. Lake Victoria in one of the many sources of the Nile but is not part of the Great Rift Valley of which Masai Mara is a part. The Great Rift Valley is a deep gouge in the earth’s crust that plows it’s way from Syria to Mozambique. At Lake Victoria, it lies shadowed by the dramatic crumbling wall of “The Escarpment” and begins the journey to the holy site of Mt Kenya. We traveled in the opposite direction from this curtain wall and entered the rolling hills of Kenya’s verdant tea plantation district. Here are the homes of Kenya’s presidents and VPs and MP’s who seized these estates in the land grabs of Kenya’s recent history.
On our trip to Masai Mara, our driver stopped at one of these plantations and showed us how tea is harvested. I also had an delicious cup of coffee made by sprinkling grounds into hot milk with sugar. Here the tea plantations give way to farmland. The social issues with these farmlands are reminiscent of the Land Baron disputes with free grazers on the Great Plains of the United States during the 1800’s. This region is in frequent dispute between the owners and Masai herders. Ancient tribal disputes flare up and are often used by politicians to create grassroots support. The farmland gives way to semiarid land distinguished from the farmland by its fewer growing seasons.
Driving off of the main paved roads toward the Masai Mara is a 2 hour trip through dust and wildlife. The animals respect no boundaries and here you will find giraffes, baboons and zebras on the dusty plain along this passage.

The Mara itself was a well watered grassland that stands in stark contrast to the roadway by which you enter. Grand vistas and ancient rounded blue mountains set a backdrop for teaming wildlife that takes absolutely no notice of man. Standing in the middle of the ecosystem, one can turn 360 degrees and see half a dozen species of animals and at least as many birds languidly finding solace from the intense equatorial sun beneath scrubby brush and within the shadowed crevices and vegetation of watering holes and streams. What was most shocking is the utter disregard that these wild animals show for our presence. Many of my photos were taken within 20 feet of the subjects without so much as a glance from us even when they were eating freshly caught kill. Roaming in this living, natural zoo were beautiful healthy animals. Ostriches, foxes, lions, cheetahs, water buffalo, wildebeests, elephants, impalas, Thomson Gazelles and sparkling birds with opalescent colors inhabited the landscape.
Up to this point, I have seen poor rural Kenya and industrial urban Kenya. To say the least, I have not been impressed. Corruption, poverty, dust, pollution, greed and disease are everywhere. My day to day experience with the average Kenyan has been positive and friendly. They hold their heads high and look you in the eye with curiosity and dignity. I cannot help thinking though how much better this landscape would be without any of us. Even the masai are annoying. I’ll say it because no one else will. They are pushy and insistent upon you giving them money. For the most part, I ignored them as not representative.
I needed this breath of fresh air to renew my vision of Africa. Although I hold no illusion about the benevolence of nature, this was a much need respite from the gritty world created in Kenya by man.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

13 things every backpack should have

I've ommitted all the obvious stuff like passport, clothes, etc. Here are the most useful items in my pack.

Rubber bands – compacts everything and holds similiar stuff together
Ziplock bags – keeps small items together and keeps everything watertight
Superglue – I’ve even repaired clothing with this.
Sunblock – You are out in the sun more than you think
Water – You never know when you will find clean water. You run out quicker than you think. Also keeps your stomach working right.
First aide kit – Even tiny cuts can be deadly.
Medicine kit - Cipro, aspirin, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, petobismol, valerian (natural sleep aide for jetlag and difficult sleep situations) etc
Multitool – For everything!
Earplugs – New environments can disturb sleep patterns and sleep is critical to good travel. If you’re tired, you make mistakes.
Headlamp – Keeps your hands free to do other things
Book – For those long boring waits for bus, train etc
Snacks – Food is more scarce than you think during long waits.
Vitamins – You eat terribly on the road.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Dilemma of Change

The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it. Remember that to change thy mind and to follow him that sets thee right, is to be none the less the free agent that thou wast before. Observe always that everything is the result of a change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and to make new ones like them.
-Marcus Aurelius “Meditations”

Change is not a function of time but of movement. In the absence of movement, there is no measurement of time. From where does change originate? My experience with the NGO’s in Africa is consumed with the issue of change. All of the good intentions for change mean nothing if change is not the result.
I do not have answers. Only questions.

Several times already, I have been faced with the dilemma of temporary change versus permanent change. Giving someone food merely makes them dependent on you for food. The real goal is a populace that makes its own food.

My friend in Nairobi works with an NGO that provides support to the Kenya Network of Women with Aids. Many of the children as a result have aids. This week they completely ran out of food. Most of this food came as donations from businesses. The drought last year eliminated the surplus that created these donations. Giving money may not help because the money can "disappear". I've thought about hiring a truck full of food but the truck would also "disappear" in the slums. Even if enacted successfully, neither of these solutions is sustainable. In Kenya, you need street savvy as much as you need altruism. Africa is the graveyard of good intention.
There are those who would say that good intention in itself is a worthy goal whether change is the result or not. I find instead that naïve good intention leaves behind ruin and dissatisfaction. Catastrophic social change is a boil requiring the pain of the lance unless change is considered with savvy and forethought. Gradual and effective social change is incremental and works within what is sometimes the troubled system itself. Gradual and effective social change will factor into the equation the inefficiencies of the present system with a view toward the gradual standing down of that ineffectual system i.e. sometimes you have to add the bribe to the cost of effective change until accountable systems come online.

What happens when the cost of affecting change means enriching the pockets of the very people causing the problem? Are you creating an unsustainable system by encouraging the very thing that you are trying to alleviate? Should the simple act of providing food and water be adulterated with politics, graft and corruption? Is it inevitable? Should every aid budget have a line item saying “corruption fee”. It’s like drinking fetid water on a lifeboat. You really need the water but at what cost. Should we even think twice about paying these fees when you know 35 children who are less than 3 miles from you going to bed hungry? Immediate gratification or long term pain for the sake of permanent change?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sing in me oh Muse!

“Sing in me oh Muse!
And through me tell that story” – Homer “The Odyssey”

In his Pulitzer Prize-winning book “Guns, Germs and Steel” , Author Jared Diamond writes that the animals in Africa are different from the rest of the animals on planet earth. Why? The animals in Africa evolved over millions of years alongside man and his distant ancestors. He goes on to write that the animals in Africa have learned to give man a wide berth. Very wise since every plaque that I saw at Nairobi Nation Gane Reserve spoke of how man has hunted many of these animals to near extinction. Take for example this gentle giant pictured below. There are only a few hundred Rothschild giraffes left in the wild. They have been hunted for meat beyond the ability of their species to replace.

There is not much more to add to this saga that countless travelogs, journals and biology texts have not already stated. I give here only my impressions and thoughts.

Only 2% of Kenya’s is covered in forest. While parts of Kenya are not naturally forested, this figure still remains appallingly low. With the disappearance of the forests come the disappearance of the animals that depend on the forests. From my observation, most of the wood is burned for cooking but I do not know this for certain. I'm sure that lumber companies have taken their fair share.

The Nairobi National Game Preserve does an excellent job trying to maintain very pleasant habitants for its inhabitants. Attached are a few scenes that I was able to capture. The animal are understandably elusive and I do not expect to be invited to join the National Geographic Wildlife photography team anytime soon!

Speaking with locals about the animals and the forests brings a whole new side of the subject to light. It is true that the Kenyan government is setting aside vast areas of game reserve land for the preservation of endangered species. Being a cynic of human nature, I of course smelled a rat in all of this national good will. As it turns out, my apparently psychic abilities regarding human nature were indeed true. Its seems that not only is the Kenyan government seizing by a sort of “imminent domain” native tribal lands but they are also doing it for the profit of foreign tourist dollars.

At the grassroots level, the Kenyan on the street has a very positive attitude about westerners in Kenya. They believe that the Kenyan government serves only itself. They believe that the ubiquitous Indian businessmen are insular and disrespectful of Kenyans and that the Chinese don’t want to get their hands dirty. I’ve had one even ask me why Indians smell funny.

Most of the Kenyan experience with Westerners has been with nongovernment agencies. Tourist are rarely seen mixing with the populace as they are picked up from the airport and quickly whisked away to game reserves. Kenyans see NGO groups as people who could make better money at home or are volunteering in order to make a better life for Kenyans. I’m not one of these but I don’t tell them that. The average Kenyan seems proud of the natural world that Kenya offers and is proud to talk about it and show it to westerners. It goes without saying that there are profit motives with Westerners also but profit with respect is far better than profit with derision and I can accept that with good grace.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Anvil of God

Life from the fifth floor of the Holiday Inn is no way to see a culture. I draw a clear distinction between the various sorts of travel. Each of these types of travel serves a purpose and I have done them all at one time or another. There is the recreational traveler who observes the sanitized stage production of the local culture. There is the backpacker who wanders seeking new experiences and perspective, flitting from one interaction to another but never invested in what is around. Then there is the expat who lives and works with the locals for a myriad number of reasons. I have been all of these people but this is the first time I’ve done so to this level.
This experience has led me to view the developing world and the people in it not as a place of shortage but as a place of potential. This week, I saw a man using, only a hammer and chisel, cut a straight line in a piece of sheet metal. Despite this skill, I was faced with making the difficult decision to take this one man operation’s work away due to quality issues and farm it out to a large firm in Nairobi who could cut a straighter cleaner line. I have struggled enough in my life to know the affect that this would have on someone using every ounce of their resourcefulness and creativity. The bitterness that this denial of opportunity engenders is palpable. The origin of this bitterness is the knowledge that if you had the same access to tools and resources, you too could get this contract instead of that guy who inherited all of his money from his father who got it from opium trafficking.
So I rethought my dilemma. How can I improve quality and save the work of a poverty level laborer with obvious skill? What do I need to do to give this guy an edge over the large firm in Nairobi? Then it hit me. All I need is a $100 saw. The problem is that a $100 saw is a fortune for a small businessman in Busia. It is pocket change for the foundation for which I work. A $100 saw would save a struggling yet skilled businessman AND save the foundation thousands of dollars outsourcing to Nairobi. This is what I call a “leveraging” factor. Small inputs into a system that have create exponential outputs.
I am convinced that this laborer whose skills have been forged under hardship will become a brilliant asset to the foundation for a miniscule investment. What is the score?
The little businessman – 1
Heroin Trafficker – 0

I feel good about this.